Add airtime to straight talk phone
Add airtime to straight talk phone

That customer service line as well as their "talk to a live agent" features are a complete waste of time, money and resources just like their app. She knew absolutely nothing of how to help me, a total joke!! I'm livid with their customer service. After 2 hours on the phone with this outsourced person from who knows where, she told me to reboot my phone and then dial *73 to "fix my issue" which of course it didn't and on top of it she hung up on me without resolving my issue.

add airtime to straight talk phone

I tried to call the customer service line which took me 50 minutes to actually get a "live tech" who couldn't for the life of them help me out. and then it completely cut off my service.

add airtime to straight talk phone

I purchased a starter kit yesterday and it worked for oh.

Add airtime to straight talk phone